Telluride Science Research Center

Workshop on Protein Dynamics

August 1-5, 2005


Program of the Workshop (click here for a PDF version)
(click on titles for abstracts; for a complete set of abstracts, click here)


Monday, August 1, morning

8:15 am-8:30 am

Doug Tobias

Welcome and opening remarks

8:30 am-9:20 am

Paul Champion

Experimental studies of structure, function, and coherent oscillations in biomolecules

9:20 am-10:10 am

Tim Sage

Vibrational dynamics of iron in biological molecules

10:10 am-11:00 am

John Straub

Vibrational energy relaxation in proteins

11:00 am-11:15 am


11:15 am-12:05 pm

Ralph Jimenez

Resonant four wave mixing femtosecond spectroscopy as a probe of protein dynamics

12:05 pm-12:55 pm

Dongping Zhong

Ultrafast protein dynamics with biological mutation



Monday, August 1, evening

7:30 pm-8:20 pm

Yasuhisa Mizutani

Protein dynamics of hemoglobin and myoglobin: time-resolved resonance Raman study

8:20 pm-9:10 pm

Phil Anfinrud

Unveiling functional protein motions with picosecond x-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations

9:10 pm-10:00 pm

Markus Meuwly

The effect of dynamics on protein-ligand interactions



Tuesday, August 2, morning

8:30 am-9:20 am

Charlie Brooks

The role of environment on conformational transitions in peptides and proteins

9:20 am-10:10 am

Jessica Swanson

Insights into protein-protein and protein-ligand association from end-point free energy calculations

10:10 am-11:00 am

Paolo Carloni

Enzymatic dynamics and function investigated by molecular simulation

11:00 am-11:15 am


11:15 am-12:05 pm

Janos Lanyi

Mechanism of proton transport from crystallographic structures of the nine states of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle

12:05 pm-12:55 pm

Dwayne Miller

Coherent control of retinal isomerization in bacteriorhodopsin


Tuesday, August 2, evening

Pinhead Town Talk Extravaganza!

Conference Center in Mountain Village

7:30 pm

John Straub

A lively tour of the periodic table

Carl Lineberger

Lasers: the light fantastic



Wednesday, August 3, morning

8:30 am-9:20 am

Burkhard Bechinger

Investigations of polypeptide topology and rotational diffusion in aligned membranes by 2H and 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy

9:20 am-10:10 am

Gianluigi Veglia

Toward the elucidation of structure and dynamics of membrane protein complexes by NMR

10:10 am-11:00 am

Ichio Shimada

NMR strategy for membrane proteins-ligands interactions

11:00 am-11:15 am


11:15 am-12:05 pm

Steve White

How membranes shape protein structure, and vice versa

12:05 pm-12:55 pm

Alfredo Freites

Two stories of membrane protein stability and dynamics: the S4 voltage-sensor and the SecY translocation channel



Wednesday, August 3, evening

7:30 pm-8:20 pm

Art Palmer

Protein motions in catalysis, binding, and folding

8:20 pm-9:10 pm

Martin Stone

From NMR measurements of protein dynamics to thermodynamics: recent advances and future challenges

9:10 pm-10:00 pm

Masatsune Kainosho

Optimal isotope labeling for protein structure determination by NMR: the SAIL method



Thursday, August 4, morning

8:30 am-9:20 am

Kevin Plaxco

Unraveling the unfolded state

9:20 am-10:10 am

Joan-Emma Shea

Oligomerization of the (25-35) fragment of the Alzheimer Ab peptide

10:10 am-10:25 am


10:25 am-11:15 am

Nobuhiro Go

Consistency for folding and inconsistency for function: switch mechanism of bacterial

flagellar supercoiling as an example

11:15 am-12:05 pm

Andrea Markelz

Terahertz dielectric sensitivity to protein dynamics


Thursday, August 4, evening

6:00 pm

BBQ!  on lawn near river adjacent to Mountainside Inn



Friday, August 5, morning

8:30 am-9:20 am

Paul Fenimore

Protein energy landscapes, solvent a-slaving and hydration b-coupling

9:20 am-10:10 am

Robert Young

Solvent, hydration, and protein - interactions and motions



10:25 am-11:15 am

Martin Weik

The relation between protein and solvent dynamics as studied by neutron scattering and temperature-controlled x-ray crystallography

11:15 am-

Doug Tobias

Closing remarks, including some research results


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