
The Chemical Education Fellowship was created to provide an opportunity for chemistry graduate students to gain experience and skills relating to the mentoring of undergraduate students. Fellows interested in pedagogy will use this interest to guide undergraduate peer tutors in their path to becoming better educators. They will mentor students in best practices in pedagogy, including interactions with students, development of curriculum, and interactions with professors.  

Necessary qualifications:  

  • Experience teaching Chem 51 series lecture class.
  • Ability to provide feedback on content (including accuracy of answers) for Chem 1 and Chem 51 series.
  • Preferred though not required: Have been a peer tutor in the past.  

Their responsibilities with estimated time commitments will include:

  • Attend and participate in the organic and general tutor group meetings to provide pedagogy feedback. (2 hours per week)
  • Review submitted weekly and midterm review sheets from the tutors. They will check this for accuracy and provide feedback on the level of difficulty. They will provide feedback to the students in the form of comments for small issues, or meetings if the issues require more significant feedback. (15 hours per week)
  • Serve as point of contact for tutor program. Fellow's contact information will be listed on the tutor website as a place for students to submit tutor feedback (both positive and negative). (<1 hour per week)
  • In conjunction with faculty advisor, devise a plan to help any tutor not meeting expectations to improve and assist peer tutor with improvements.(<1 hour per week)
  • Oversee hiring procedures to ensure quality applicants are chosen for Coordinators and Tutors. (Advisory and Oversight role, with minimal participation to ensure the program remains peer led). (Spring Quarter Only ~ 5 hours total).  

Submission and selection process: Application can be submitted online via a Google Form. Applications should be submitted by the applicant. Students are strongly encouraged to speak to their advisor before applying.

Submission deadline: July 1st, 2024