Each year, the Department collects nominations for the following graduate awards. The deadline to submit nominees for Department review is Monday, March 11th, 2024. Please submit your nominations through the following Google form. If you have any questions please contact Bailey Spelman (bspelman@uci.edu).
Student Awards Nominations: https://forms.gle/XpkjWD7dmX6YUyUB6 (UCI Google Account must be used)
Award Title | Description |
Outstanding Contribution to the Chemistry Department - Honored by School of Physical Sciences | This award is based, at least in part, on service as a teaching assistant or other contributions to the department's undergraduate educational program and demonstrates promise as a future teacher. This award spans their many years as a graduate student. The awardee is honored at the Physical Sciences honors ceremony at graduation and receives a monetary award. |
Outstanding Contribution to the Chemistry Department - Honored by Department | This award is given to a graduate student for contributions to the department's undergraduate educational program above and beyond the normal effort. This award covers the current academic year. The categories are first year, continuing, and upper division. Monetary Award. |
Most Promising Future Faculty | This award is given to a graduate student for exemplary contributions to the Chemistry program during the current academic year, and demonstrates promise as a future faculty member. The time period covered is the current year. Monetary Award. |
Graduate Award for Departmental Mentorship | Awarded to a Chemistry graduate student for extraordinary efforts in mentoring and/or outreach to fellow graduate students, undergraduate students, or students in the greater chemistry community. |
Graduate Award for Departmental Service | Awarded to a Chemistry graduate student for extraordinary efforts in Departmental service in support of teaching, research, or administration. Monetary Award. |
Edward K. C. Lee Award |
This award was established “to support outstanding students in chemistry”. It is open to chemistry graduate students in all areas of specialization. It carries a $2000 honorarium. This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
Joan Rowland Award | This award is intended for “a top graduate student in the Department of Chemistry”. It is open to chemistry graduate students in all areas of specialization. $1000 honorarium.
This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
Harold W. Moore Award |
This award is intended for “an advanced organic chemistry graduate student having notable research success”. This award is limited to synthetic students, and the awardee will be expected to give a 20-30 min lecture on their research at the BMS Symposium in the summer of the same year. Please discuss the nominee’s speaking skills in the faculty recommendation. $1000 honorarium. This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
Jacqueline Smitrovich Prize | This award is for “a talented graduate student researcher who has also contributed service”. It was established in memory of Dr. Jackie Smitrovich (Ph.D., 1999) to honor an outstanding graduate student in chemistry, additionally requires significant department or community service. Initially limited to organic students, with priority given to female students, the award eligibility has expanded to include all chemistry students. Please discuss the nominee’s service contributions in the faculty recommendation. $750 honorarium.
This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
The Wolfsberg Award in Theoretical Chemistry |
This award was made possible by a generous contribution from Marilyn Wolfsberg to establish the Max Wolfsberg Endowed Fund in Theoretical Chemistry, in honor of a beloved former member of our faculty, Max Wolfsberg, who passed away in 2018. For more information on Max and the fund, please see: https://www.chem.uci.edu/wolfsbergfund.This award is intended for outstanding graduate students in theoretical chemistry. $1000 honorarium. This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
American Institute of Chemists |
Honors an outstanding Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or Chemical Biology major based on overall GPA and GPA in Chemistry courses. This award recognizes potential advancement of the chemistry profession based on demonstrated record of leadership, ability, character, and scholastic achievement. Recipient receives a certificate from AIC, a one-year student associate membership in the AIC, and a peer-reviewed journal. This award will be presented at the Lee Dinner and places its emphasis on research accomplishments, and are aimed at students who will receive their PhD in the near future. The nominees for these awards must have passed the Advancement to Candidacy examination at the time of nomination and intend to defend their PhD between Spring Quarter of 2024 and Winter Quarter of 2025. Off-window nominations will be accepted, but should include an explanation for why the nomination does not meet the usual graduation window criterion. Students may only be nominated once for the graduation awards. In the past, students who won these awards were either unusually productive (e.g., they published a number of first-author papers) or did research resulting in significant scientific breakthroughs for their groups. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
Faculty Endowed Fellowship - Honored by School of Physical Sciences | This award is given to a student who is completing their Ph.D. before Fall. Monetary Award. Funding should be used for their job search. Justification required, Physical Sciences selects one winner. This award will be reviewed by the Graduate Fellowship/Awards Committee and requires the submission of the nominee’s thesis abstract and CV. |
ACS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars Recognition Program |
This award recognizes talented graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the chemical sciences who demonstrate leadership in mentoring, promotion of DEIR, and promotion of research safety. One graduate student AND postdoctoral scholar may be recognized per certificate category each year. For more information, please see: https://www.acs.org/funding/awards/graduate-student-and-postdoctoral-scholars-recognition-program.html. |
Please note the following awards are handled outside of the Chemistry Student Award Nomination process: