Enrollment Requirements
Graduate students must enroll in graduate/upper-division courses for a minimum of 12 units each quarter. Any combination of required courses, research (Chem 280), and seminars (Chem 290, 291) is permissible.
Registration for more than 16 units per quarter requires advance approval by the Graduate Advisors.
Registration in every regular academic session (Fall, Winter, Spring) is necessary until all requirements for an advanced degree have been completed.
Registration at UCI consists of two separate steps: payment of fees and enrollment of classes. Both steps must be completed in order to be officially registered. To fulfill your enrollment requirement, you must go on-line to use Web SOC (on-line Searchable Schedule of Classes) and WebReg (Enroll in Classes) to enroll in classes before the deadline to pay fees or you will be held responsible for the late fee payment of $50.00. There is a late enrollment fee of $50.00 that goes into effect at the end of the second week of instruction.
The act of enrolling in your Minimum Required Units (MRU) by the fee payment deadline will automatically pay your fees if the aid posted to your ZotBill covers the full amount of your registration fees, and you don't have any past-due debts or holds.
For graduate support (fellowships and employment related fee remissions) the MRU is 1. However, special conditions may apply, so it is essential for you to check your ZOT Account on-line for the specific MRU needed to activate your aid. If you fail to meet your MRU threshold, your aid will not be activated, and your fees will not be paid automatically.
If you are receiving partial aid, you must meet your MRU and pay your ZotBill Amount Due in order to be registered. If you have no aid, and are paying your ZotBill Amount Due with cash or check, you must enroll in at least 1 unit to avoid the late enrollment penalty of $50.00, which goes into effect at the end of the second week of instruction.
**The responsibility remains with the student to ensure that fees are paid by the deadline.**
If you are employed as a T.A., you are responsible to pay your own fees. Your ZotBill (under payments and credits) indicates Fall 2017 Graduate Aid. This is the fee remission and/or tuition fellowship.
Pass/No Pass Grading Option
Graduate students may take one course (4 units) per quarter on a Pass/No Pass basis. However such courses are not considered part of the student's graduate program, may not be applied to the requirements for an advanced degree, and do not count toward the minimum number of units for which a graduate student must enroll. The grade "Pass" is defined as the equivalent of C or better. The grade of "No Pass" is the equivalent of C- or below and no credit will be received for the course.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading Option
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading is not a student option. With the approval of Graduate Council, certain graduate courses are graded S/U. Individual study and graduate research may be evaluated by means of the grades S or U. The grade S is defined as an equivalent of B or better. The grade of U is B- or below.
Add/Drop/Change Enrollment in Classes
An on-line petition will be used for adds, drops, and changes after enrollment deadlines have passed. Please check the instructions at the below URL for add/drop/change policies and procedures.
The Cancellation/Withdrawal (C/W) form is used during the quarter when a student wishes to discontinue enrollment in a quarter for which she/he has already paid fees. Do NOT drop all of your courses on-line. If you wish to discontinue enrollment after paying fees, you MUST file a C/W form. Likewise, do not stop payment on the check used to pay registration fees in lieu of filing the C/W form. See Chemistry Graduate Affairs Officer for completion of C/W form.