During the course of the Ph.D. program, students will join one of the research tracks listed at the bottom of this page. Each has its own course requirements, but general features for all tracks include:

  • Coursework: 7 four-unit courses (excluding Chem 280, 290, 291, and 399) with a grade of B or better. Students are also required to take Chem 200.
  • Enrollment: To maintain full-time status, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units per quarter
  • Grades: To remain in good academic standing, students must maintain a 3.0 average
  • Teaching: Students are required to TA for at least 4 quarters (3 quarters for ChAMP students)
  • Advisor: Students will typically choose an advisor during the 2nd quarter of their first year
  • Exams: For students in the analytic, atmospheric, physical, or theoretical tracks, cumulative exams will take place at the end of the 1st year. Cumulative exams for the organic and inorganic tracks take place at the start of the 2nd year
  • Advancement to Candidacy: Students typically advance to candidacy at the start of their 3rd year (end of 2nd year for organic students)
  • Thesis Defense: Typically takes place at the end of the 5th year

For details on the requirements of the individual tracks, click on the appropriate link below: