Professors Blum and Prescher are recipients of 2023 Cope Scholar Awards from the ACS

Suzanne Blum and Jenn Prescher are recipients of the 2023 Cope Scholar Awards from the ACS. This highly prestigious award, which recognizes excellence in organic chemistry research, consists of $5,000, a certificate, and a $40,000 unrestricted research grant. The recipients will deliver an awards address at the Arthur C. Cope Symposium at the Fall ACS National Meeting.

Suzanne and JP are two of ten 2023 Cope Scholars from around the world, and two of the four Cope Scholars who have 10 to 25 years of experience since their terminal degrees. 

Three major DOE awards to Chemistry faculty

Three chemistry faculty have recently received major awards from the US Department of Energy. 

Sarah Finkeldei received a $4.3 M grant from the Basic Energy Sciences of the US DOE for a project entitled "Advancing clean energy through fundamental insights into defect generation and transport phenomena at grain boundaries in nuclear energy materials”. This project, which will be carried out in collaborations with scientists at UCI and Los Alamos National Lab,  will contribute to unraveling the mechanisms of grain boundary defect interactions in advanced nuclear fuel systems.

ACS Recognizes three UCI Chemistry Graduate Students

Three chemistry graduate students received honors from the ACS Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholars Recognition Program.

Jessica Kelz was recognized for Leadership in Mentoring, “This recognition category highlights outstanding efforts and impact in research and safety mentoring…”

Ali Younis was recognized for Leadership in the Promotion of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect, “This recognition category highlights outstanding efforts that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect in the program.”

Professor Ann Marie Carlton is the recipient of a prestigious award from Iota Sigma Pi!

Professor Carlton is the recipient of this year’s Violet Diller Award for Professional Excellence from Iota Sigma Pi, a national honor society for women in chemistry. The award consists of a cash prize, certificate, and a lifetime membership in Iota Sigma Pi.

From the ISP website: “This award is for outstanding contribution to chemistry and allied fields by a woman. This is a triennial award."

Congratulations Ann Marie this well-deserved distinction!

Read More about the Violet Diller Award.

Congratulations to Chemistry 2023 Academic Senate award recipients!

Congratulations to Chemistry faculty and joint appointees on Academic Senate Awards! 

  • Professor of Teaching Renée Link is the recipient of the Distinguished Faculty Award for Mentorship.
  • Professor Celia Faiola is the recipient of the Distinguished Early-Career Faculty Award for Teaching.
  • Professor John Chaput is the recipient of the Mid-Career Faculty Award for Research.

These awards are the highest honors conferred to faculty at UCI. Congratulations to Renée, Celia, and John on their well-deserved awards!

Jenny Yang named JACS Senior Editor

Professor Jenny Yang has been named a senior editor at the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the flagship journal of the ACS. With an impact factor of 15.4, JACS reports much of the most impactful and highly cited research in the chemical sciences.

Jenny’s addition to the editorial team at JACS is a great honor for her and the Department of Chemistry at UCI, and is a testimonial to Jenny's high standing in the field. Congratulations to Jenny on this amazing assignment!

Read More

Professor Donald R. Blake ranked as 20th Top Ranked Scientist in Environmental Science by

Professor Blake and his lab have made defining discoveries in the field of atmospheric chemistry.

The prominent academic platform just released its 2022 edition of the Ranking of Top 1000 Scientists in the area of Environmental Sciences. Among the chosen scientists is UCI Department of Chemistry’s Professor Donald R. Blake, who ranked 20thin the world and 11th in the United States.
