Dr. Megan Sassin and Professor Annaliese Franz to receive Rising Star award

Dr. Megan Sassin and Professor Annaliese Franz will be receiving the Women Chemist's Committee's "Rising Star" award in March at the ACS meeting in San Diego.  Megan is an alum of Reg Penner's group and one of the founders of the Iota Sigma Pi chapter here at UCI.  She is a research scientist at the Naval Research Labs.  Annaliese was in Keith Woerpel's lab and is now an assistant professor at UC Davis.

Congratulations to our outstanding graduate students!

Congratulations to our outstanding graduate students! The following students received honors at the recent E.K.C. Lee Dinner, May 26, 2011: Maureen Reilly in the Rychnovsky group has received the Eastman Chemical Graduate Summer Fellowship. The Hal Moore award was given to Karl Bedke of the Vanderwal group, who also received this year's Joan Rowland Award. Jing (Mandy) Zhang was the recipient of this year's Smitrovich award. The Gebel award went to Matthew Dawson (Finlayson-Pitts group) and Gregory Hartt (Blake group) this year.

Congratulations to 2011 Lauds and Laurels Alumni recipient David Mac Millan

Congratulations to 2011 Lauds and Laurels Alumni recipient David Mac Millan, Ph.D. '06, School of Physical Sciences (presented May 12, 2011). After receiving his doctorate in synthetic organic chemistry from UCI in 1996, David MacMillan rose rapidly to a position of leadership in the field. In 10 short years, he went from assistant professor at UC Berkeley to full professor at the California Institute of Technology, followed by a chaired professorship at Princeton University. He is currently the A.

UCI Chemistry teachers Honored

Congratulations to the excellent teachers in the Chemistry Department! Of special note, Dr. Ben Hafensteiner has been named UCI Lecturer of the Year. Additionally, Professor Andy Borovik has been chosen as The School of Physical Sciences Honoree for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Their efforts are being recognized at this year's Celebration of Teaching on May 26.
