Dr. Shaul Mukamel awarded 2020 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science

Dr. Shaul Mukamel was awarded the 2020 Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science by the On behalf of the American Physical Society

"For expanding the boundaries and understanding of nonlinear optical spectroscopy and its application to chemical, biological and material systems."

The prize recognizes outstanding contributions to basic research which uses lasers to advance our knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of materials and their interaction with light.


Graduate student Marc Sprague-Piercy receives Gilliam Fellowship

Congratulations Marc Sprague-Piercy of the Martin Lab on being awarded a Gilliam Fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study support exceptional graduate students who are committed to increasing diversity among scientific leaders, especially those students who will go on to become faculty members at colleges and universities. 

Brenna Biggs has been selected as a Carbon Neutrality Initiative (CNI) Fellow for the 2019-20 academic year

Congratulations to Brenna Biggs on being named a Carbon Neutrality Initiative (CNI) Fellow for the 2019-20 academic year! The UC President’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative Student Fellowship Program funds student-generated projects that support the UC system’s goal to produce zero-net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. All 10 UC campuses plus the UC Office of the President, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory are participating in the program.

