Joe Patterson joins Chemistry as an Assistant Professor!
Joe Patterson will join us as an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department on July 1.
Dr. Patterson obtained his PhD in radical polymer chemistry and self-assembly from the University of Warwick, UK in 2013 working under the supervision of Professor Rachel O’Reilly. He went on to work for professor Nathan C. Gianneschi and Professor Kimberly Prather at the University of California San Diego, USA and the Centre for Aerosol Impacts on Climate and Environment (CAICE) as a postdoctoral scholar. In 2016 he joined the Laboratory Materials and Interfaces Chemistry at the Eindhoven University of Technical, NL working under the supervision of Professor Nico Sommerdijk as a 4TU postdoctoral researcher. His interests involve the development of new materials through a deep understanding of their formation processes in solution. He has been awarded several prizes including the MacroGroupUK Young Polymer Scientist of the Year, 2011 and the 2013 Jon Weaver PhD prize.