Application Deadline: 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The UCI School of Physical Sciences has established Science Communication Fellowships in each of the School’s four departments to help advance the school’s communication of science effectively across a wide variety of arenas and platforms. PS SciComm Fellow in Chemistry will work under the direction of the PS Director of Communications and Strategic Initiatives to drive social media channels. The Fellow will contribute to the school’s social media presence through engaging posts, stories, and innovative multimedia approaches. Fellows should be immersed in departmental activities such as attending seminars and colloquiums, social events, student activities, meetings, and other events with the goal of obtaining story ideas. Daily duties include drafting original content for posts and finding engaging photos, videos, or other visual elements to compliment the text. The Fellow will meet regularly with the Director of Communications and Strategic Initiatives to discuss content and overall strategy for the Department’s social media channels and other science communication initiatives, and will also serve on the Chemistry Department communications committee.

Fellowships will be 50% appointments (with the other 50% being a GSR appointment funded by the PI) with an expectation of approximately 10 hrs of work per week. The Fellowship will begin in Winter 2020 with the possibility of renewal considered on a quarterly basis.

If you are interested in being considered for the Chemistry’s Science Communication Fellowship position please let Garrett Yoshitomi ( know via e-mail by 5pm on Wednesday, December 11, as our Department nominee is due to the Dean’s office by Friday, December 13th. Include the following items with your e-mail,

  1. A copy of your current CV
  2. A brief (i.e., one paragraph) summary of your experience with science outreach and communication including efforts on social media platforms
  3. A brief nomination/support letter from your research advisor indicating support for the proposed fellowship and a commitment to provide 50% financial support as a GSR.