Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 4:00pm

Abstract: Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you submit a manuscript to a journal? Dr. Gillian Hatzis, a Scientific Editor at Chem, will discuss publishing at Cell Press, her editorial process for handling submitted works, give some advice on how to write more effectively for any audience, and share how she began her career as an editor.

Bio: Gillian received her PhD in inorganic chemistry with a focus on metal-ligand cooperative bond activations and catalysis from the Ohio State University. In January 2022, she joined Elsevier’s Author Heroes team, where she ensured that authors had a smooth transfer process between chemistry journals. She joined Chem in October 2022 and handles papers on inorganic and physical chemistry, catalysis, and materials.


Gillian Hatzis


Chem by Cell Press


RH 104