Events in physical chemistry.
Signatures of Electromagnetic Hot Spots and Fano Interferences in STEM/EELS
Real-time Surface Dynamics at Electrochemical Interfaces
The simplest approaches for estimating energy flow in photo-excited molecules: a little quantum chemistry and a little quantum dynamics
Electrochemistry and Fluid Flow in Confined Spaces: Negative Solution Resistance and Nanobubbles
Quantum fluctuations in hydrogen bond networks: from atmospheric science to enzyme catalysis
Direct Evidence of Conformational Changes Associated with Voltage-Gating in a Voltage Sensor Protein by Time-Resolved X-ray/Neutron Interferometry
pH-Triggred Conformational Switching and Membrane Insertion of Proteins
The Multiresonant Family of Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy- Examples in Vibrational Spectroscopy and Quantum Confined Nanostructures
Exploring multiple dissociation pathways in small organic molecules