Ardo Group at 2023 Group Retreat at Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center, Borrego Springs, CA (9/29-31/2023) (Back Row: Eric, Nathaniel, Shane, Nate, Ethan; Middle Row: Gabe, Jen, Munho; Front Row: Justin, Brad, Dennis, Ashley, Shirley)
(Back Row: Nathaniel, Dennis, Gabe, Jen, Munho, Shirley, Brad, Shane; Front Row: Justin, Nate, Ashley, Ethan, Eric)
Ardo Group at 2023 E. K. C. Lee Dinner in the UCI Student Center, Irvine, CA (6/7/2023) (Back Row: Dennis, Munho, Eric, Nathaniel; Middle Row: Shirley, Jen; Front: Justin)
Ardo Group outside the Integrated Science and Engineering Building at UCI, Irvine, CA (5/31/2023) (Back Row: Justin, Shane, Ethan, Dennis, Munho, Brad; Middle Row: Nathaniel, Jen, Tim, Eric, Ashley, Cassidy; Front Row: Shirley, Nate)
Ardo Group with Atwater Group Collaborators from Caltech in the Integrated Science and Engineering Building at UCI, Irvine, CA (3/15/2023) (Back-to-Front, Left Row: Nathaniel, Ashley, Munho, Shirley; Second Row: Nate, Tim, Ethan, Eric, Cassidy; Third Row: Justin, Brad, Jen, Shane, Dennis; Right Row: Atwater Group Visitors)
Ardo Group at 2022-2023 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/10/2022) (Back Row: Tim, Munho, Shane, Shirley, Joseph, Justin, Cassidy, Brad, Ethan; Front Row: Eleanor, Junhwi, Junsung, Ryan)
Ardo Group at Boomers in Irvine, CA (8/13/2022)
(Justin, Ethan, Shirley, Kaylyn, Camila, Dennis, Holly, Shane)
Ardo Group at lunch in Irvine, CA (8/10/2022)
(Back Row: Shane, Holly, Ana, Cassidy, Jen; Front Row: Justin, recruit, Dennis, Kaylyn, Ethan, Camila, Shirley)
Ardo Group at 2022 E. K. C. Lee Dinner in the UCI Student Center, Irvine, CA (5/25/2022)
(Dennis, Jen, Ethan, Rohit, Geoff, Shirley, Justin, Cassidy, Gabe, Shane)
Ardo Group outside the Integrated Science and Engineering Building at UCI, Irvine, CA (3/18/2022)
(Ethan, Geoff, Dennis, Ana, Jen, Cassidy, Shane, Tim, Rohit, Justin, Gabe)
Ardo Group at 2021-2022 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/4/2021) (Back Row: Rohit, Geoff, Ethan, Leanna, Gabe, Tim's Family; Middle Row: Justin, Shane, Jen, Ana; Front Row: Ryan, Eleanor)
Ardo Group at 2020-2021 Winter Group Party at The Virtual Ardos' House, (12/12/2020) (Back Row: Ethan, Simon, Geoff; Middle Row: Tina, Jen, Rohit, Cassidy, Leanna, Shane; Front Row: Justin, Gabe, Michael, Tanmai)
Ardo Group in Aldrich Park at UCI, Irvine, CA (9/4/2020) (Back Row: Ethan, Shane, Rylan, Rohit, Justin; Front Row: Nazila, Geoff, Simon, Jen, Cassidy, Leanna)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (3/3/2020) (Back Row: Gabe, Rohit, Rylan, Cassidy, Leanna; Front Row: Shane, Simon, Emily, Nazila, Jen, Zejie, Ethan)
Ardo Group at 2019-2020 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/7/2019) (Back Row: Leanna and her friends, Emily, Rylan, Sharon, Nazila, Jessica; Middle Row: Tanmai, Rohit, Gabe, Zejie, Ryan; Front Row: Eleanor, Shane (with Monte, the hairless cat), Simon)
Ardo Group at 2019 Group Retreat at Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center, Borrego Springs, CA (9/27-29/2019) (Rohit, Gabe, Leanna, Simon, Rylan, Zejie, Cassidy)
Ardo Group at 2019 End-of-Summer Group Gathering and Recruiting Event at Corona del Mar Beach, Newport, CA (9/22/2019) (Back Row: Leanna, recruit, Simon, Rylan; Front Row: Zejie, Cassidy, recruit, Gabe, Shane, recruit, Rohit, Tanmai)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (6/11/2019) (Back Row: Kevin, Joseph, Rohit, Will, Gabe, Zejie, Simon; Front Row: Rylan, Emily, Jerome, Leanna, Nazila, Cassidy, Shane, Bill)
Ardo Group at 2019 E. K. C. Lee Dinner in the UCI Student Center, Irvine, CA (5/22/2019) (Back Row: Rylan, Joseph, Cassidy, Jen, Kevin, Will, Tabitha, Bill; Front Row: Gabe, Rohit, Nazila, Leanna, Simon, Zejie, Shane)
Ardo Group at 2018-2019 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/8/2018) (Back Row: Kelsey, Terra, Emily, Kevin, Joyce, Marilyn, Ryan, Larry, Bill, Tabitha, Karl, Greg; Middle Row: Joseph, Leanna, Shane, Eric, Simon, Larry; Front Row: Eleanor, Jessica, Rohit, Larry)
Ardo Group at 2018 End-of-Summer Group Gathering and Recruiting Event at Corona del Mar Beach, Newport, CA (9/22/2018) (Back Row: recruits, Joseph, Simon, recruits; Front Row: Shane, Ryan, Leanna, Nazila, Eric, Katie)
Ardo Group at 2018 E. K. C. Lee Dinner in the UCI Student Center, Irvine, CA (5/23/2018) (Eric, Simon, Kevin, Will, Tabitha, Shane, David, Bill, Margherita, Joseph, Leanna, Larry, Nazila)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (3/13/2018) (Back Row: Sam, Shane, Will, Mike V., Jen, Larry; Middle Row: Nazila, Margherita, Leanna, David, Baldwin, Mike C., Jingyuan; Front Row: Simon, Kevin, Eric, Rohit, Bill, Joseph)
Ardo Group at 2017-2018 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/9/2017) (Back Row: Diana and her friend, Simon, Jingyuan, Will, Kelsey, Joseph, Rohit, Bill, Emily; Middle Row: Larry, Larry, Eleanor, Shane, Kevin, Eric; Front Row: Ryan, Jessica, Katie)
Ardo Group at 2017 End-of-Summer Group Gathering and Recruiting Event at Corona del Mar Beach, Newport, CA (9/23/2017) (Shane, Ryan, Larry, Hilary, Larry, recruits, Joseph, Chris (back), Kelsey, Tabitha, Will, Katie, Simon (front), Eric, Kevin, Emily, recruits)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (6/13/2017) (Back Row: Jen, David, Kevin, Joseph, Bill, Jingyuan, Shane; Front Row: Will, Eric, Chris, Sam, Simon)
Ardo Group at 2016-2017 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/10/2016) (Back Row: Kevin, Chris, Michelle, Houman, Tabitha, Will, Bill, Diana, Joseph, Kelsey; Front Row: Ryan, Jessica, Eleanor, Shane, Diana's friend (with Monte, the hairless cat))
Ardo Group at 2016-2017 Winter Group Gathering at Irvine Lanes, Irvine, CA (12/2/2016) (Kevin, Chris, Houman, Sam, Shane, Joseph, Bill)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (11/21/2016) (Jen, David (back), Will, Bill (back), Greg, Chris (back), Stephanie, Joseph (back), Sam, Kevin (back), Houman, Shane)
Ardo Group outside Rowland Hall at UCI, Irvine, CA (4/4/2016) (Connie, Bill, Diana, Jen, Greg, Will, Houman, Joseph (back), Claudia, Zhangjing, Shane, Chris, David (back), Kevin)
Ardo Group at 2015-2016 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/12/2015) (Back Row: Amy, Chris, Ardalan, Houman, David, Joseph, Kelsey; Middle Row: Bill, Jen, Kevin; Front Row: Eleanor, Shane, Jessica, Ryan, Claudia, Zhangjing)
Ardo Group at 2015 End-of-Summer Group Gathering at Corona del Mar Beach, Newport, CA (9/26/2015) (Back Row: Shane, Joseph, Kelsey, Will, Tabitha, Yuanxun; Front Row: Claudia, Bill)
Ardo Group at 2015 E. K. C. Lee Dinner in the UCI Student Center, Irvine, CA (5/21/2015) (Back Row: Chris; Middle Row: Ralph Cicerone, Shane, David, Bill, Joseph; Front Row: Hsiang-Yun, Claudia, Jen, Kevin)
Ardo Group outside Aldrich Park at UCI, Irvine, CA (4/13/2015) (Ron, Will, Tabitha, Joseph, Shane, Jennifer, Chris, Claudia, David, Jen, Jackie, Hsiang-Yun)
Ardo Group at 2014-2015 Winter Group Party at The Ardos' House, Irvine, CA (12/12/2014) (Back Row: Chris, Joseph, Bill and his friend, Ron; Middle Row: David, Tabitha, Hsiang-Yun, Jackie, Mike; Front Row: Shane, Jessica, Ryan, Claudia)
Ardo Group at 2014-2015 Winter Group Gathering at Irvine Lanes, Irvine, CA (12/5/2014) (Back Row: David, Chris; Middle Row: Hsiang-Yun, Claudia, Tabitha, Shane, Jackie; Front Row: Bill)
Ardo Group at 2014 End-of-Summer Group Gathering at Corona del Mar Beach, Newport, CA (9/13/2014) (Back Row: Sasuke, Hsiang-Yun, Bill, Hsiang-Yun's sister, Shane, Tabitha, Nancy, Ron; Front Row: Claudia, Jessica, Ryan)
Ardo Group at 2014 Start-of-Summer Group Gathering at Dave and Buster's, Irvine, CA (7/11/2014) (Back Row: Chris, Ron; Front Row: Shane, Claudia, Tabitha, David)
Ardo Group outside Aldrich Park at UCI, Irvine, CA (3/10/2014) (David, Ron, Bill, Claudia, Shane, Hsiang-Yun, Tabitha, Victor, Chris)
Ardo Group at 2013-2014 Winter Group Gathering at Irvine Lanes, Irvine, CA (12/14/2013) (Back Row: Bill, Shane, Chris; Front Row: Hsiang-Yun, Claudia)
Ardo Group at 2013 Southern California Inorganic Photochemistry (SCIP) Symposium, Catalina Island, CA (9/6/2013) (Chris, Shane, Hsiang-Yun)