Atmospheric-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition of Iron Pyrite Thin Films
N. Berry, M.H. Cheng, C.L. Perkins, M. Limpinsel,
J.C. Hemminger, M. Law,
Advanced Energy Materials
2(9), 1124-1135.
Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Studies of Liquid/Vapor Interfaces of Aqueous NaCl, RbCl, and RbBr Solutions
M.N. Cheng, K.M. Callahan, A.M. Margarella,
D.J. Tobias, J.C. Hemminger, H Bluhm, M.L. Krish
Journal of Physical Chemistry, C 2012, 116(7), 4545-4555.
Does Nitric Acid Dissociate at the Aqueous Solution Surface?
T. Lewis, B. Winter, A.C. Stern, M.D. Baer, C.J. Mundy, D.J. Tobias
J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
115(43), 21183-21190.
Dissociation of Strong Acid Revisited: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of HNO3 in Water
T. Lewis, B. Winter, A.C. Stern, M.D. Baer, C.J. Mundy, D.J. Tobias
J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
115(30), 9445-9451.
CO2 Capture in Amine-Based Aqueous Solution: Role of the
Gas-Solution Interface
T. Lewis, M. Faubel, B. Winter, J.C. Hemminger
50(43), 10178-10181.
Mesoporous Manganese Oxide Nanowires for High-Capacity,
High-Rate, Hybrid Electrical Energy Storage
W.B. Yan, T. Ayvazian, J. Kim, Y. Liu, K.C. Donavan, W.D. Xing, Y.G. Yang,
J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
ACS Nano
5(10), 8275-8287.
Tunable Photoconduction Sensitivity and Bandwidth for Lithographically
Patterned Nanocrystalline Cadmium Selenide Nanowires
S.C. Kung, W.D. Xing, W.E. Van der Veer, F. Yang, K.C. Donavan, M.H. Cheng,
J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
ACS Nano
5(9), 7627-7639.
Photodeposition of Ag or Pt onto TiO2
Nanoparticles Decorated on Step Edges of HOPG
J. Taing, M.H. Cheng, J.C. Hemminger
ACS Nano
5(9), 6325-6333.
High-Throughput Measurement of the Seebeck Coefficient and the Electrical
Conductivity of Lithographically Patterned Polycrystalline PbTe Nanowires
Y.A. Yang, D.K. Taggart, M.H. Cheng, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2(9), 944-944.
Single-Molecule Imaging of Platinum Ligand Exchange
Reaction Reveals Reactivity Distribution
N.M. Esfandiari, Y. Wang, J.Y. Bass, T.P. Cornell, D.A.L. Otte, M.H. Cheng, J.C.
Hemminger, T.M. McIntire, V.A. Mandelshtam, S.A. Blum
Journal of the American Chemical Society
132(43), 15167-15169.
High-Throughput Measurement of the Seebeck Coefficient and the Electrical
Conductivity of Lithographically Patterned Polycrystalline PbTe Nanowires
Y.A. Yang, D.K. Taggart, M.H. Cheng, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
Journal of the American Chemical Society
1(20), 3004-3011.
Reaction of Bromide with Bromate in Thin-Film Water
J.T. Newberg, T.M. McIntire, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
114(35), 9480-9485.
Smaller is Faster and More Sensitive: The Effect of Wire Size on the
Detection of Hydrogen by Single Palladium Nanowires
F. Yang, S.C. Kung, M.C. Cheng, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
ACS Nano
4(9), 5233-5244.
Interfacial Dushman-like Chemistry in Hydrated KIO3 Layers Grown on KI
M.A. Brown, P.D. Ashby, M.J. Krisch, Z. Liu, B.S. Mun, R.G. Green, J.B. Giorgi,
J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
114(33), 14093-14100.
Hygroscopic Growth and Deliquescence of NaCl Nanoparticles Mixed with
Surfactant SDS
C.W. Harmon, R.L> Grimm, T.M. McIntire, M.D. Peterson, B. Njegiv, V.M. Angel,
R.B. Gerber, M.S. Gordon, J.C. Hemminger, S.A. Nizkorodov
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
114(7), 2435-2449.
D2O Water Interaction with Textured Carboxylic Acid-Terminated Monolayer Surfaces Characterized by
Temperature-Programmed Desorption and Molecular Dynamics
R.L. Grimm, D.J. Tobias, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
114(3), 1570-1579.
Wafer-Scale Patterning of Lead Telluride Nanowires:
Structure, Characterization, and Electrical Properties
Y.A Yang, D.K. Taggart, M.A. Brown, C.X. Xiang, S.C. Kung, F. Yang, J.C. Hemminger,
R.M. Penner
ACS Nano
3(12), 4144-4154.
Graphitic Electrical Contacts to Metallic Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes Using Pt Electrodes
A.A. Kane, T. Sheps, E.T. Branigan, V.A> Apkarian, M.H. Cheng, J.
C. Hemminger, S.R. Hunt, P.G. Collins
Nano Letters
9(10), 3586-3591.
Spatial Distribution of Nitrate and Nitrite Anions at the Liquid/
Vapor Interface of Aqueous Solutions
M.A. Brown, B. Winter, M. Faubel, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society
9(24), 8354-8355.
Halide Vacancies Created by the Heterogeneous Reaction of
OH with Alkali Halide Single Crystals
M.A. Brown, T.M. McIntire, V. Johanek, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
113(12), 2890-2895.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of the Conversion of
Ethylene to Carbon Clusters and Graphite on Pt(111)
V. Johanek, A.B. De la Ree, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
113(11), 4441-4444.
Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Adsorbed Water on Self-
Assembled Monolayers: Understanding the Interaction of Water with
Atmospherically Relevant Surfaces
S.G. Moussa, T.M. McIntire, M. Szori, M. Roeselova, D.J. Tobias,
R.L. Grimm, J.C. Hemminger, B.J. Finlayson-Pitts
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
113(10), 2060-2069.
Ion Partitioning at the Liquid/Vapor Interface of a Multicomponent Alkali Halide
Solution: A Model for Aqueous Sea Salt Aerosols
S. Ghosal, M.A. Brown, H. Bluhm, M.J. Krish, M. Salmeron, P. Jungwirth,
J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
112(48), 12378-12384.
Surface Structure of KIO(3) Grown by
Heterogeneous Reaction of Ozone with KI (001)
M.A. Brown, Z. Liu, P.D. Ashby, A. Mehta, R.L. Grimm, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112(47), 18287-18290.
Coupled electrooxidation and electrical conduction in a single gold nanowire
C. Xiang, A.G. Guell, M.A. Brown, J.Y. Kim, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
Nano Letters
8(9), 3017-3022.
Ion spatial distributions at the liquid-vapor interface of
aqueous potassium fluoride solutions
M.A. Brown, R. D'Auria, I.F.W. Kuo, M.J. Krish, D.E. Starr,
H. Bluhm, D.J. Tobias, J.C. Hemminger
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
10(32), 4778-4784.
Polarization-dependent surface enhanced Raman
scattering from silver 1D nanoparticle arrays
W. Luo, W. Van der Veer, P. Chu, D.L. Mills, R.M. Penner, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112(31), 11609-11613.
Synthesis of PbTe nanowire arrays using lithographically
patterned nanowire electrodeposition
Y. Yang, S.C> Kung, D.K. Taggart, C. Xiang, F. Yang, M.A. Brown, A.G. Guell, T.J.
Kruse, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
Nano Letters
8(8), 2447-2451.
Simultaneous detection of H-2(+) with larger ions using
Fourier transform mass spectrometry
M.M. Ivey, J.C. Hemminger
Analytical Chemistry
80(13), 5044-5050.
Reactivity of ozone with solid potassium
iodide investigated by atomic force microscopy
M.A. Brown, P.D. Ashby, D.F. Ogletree, M. Salmeron, J.C Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112(22), 8110-8113.
Reactive uptake of ozone on solid potassium iodide
M.A. Brown, J.T. Newberg, M.J. Krisch, J.C Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112(14), 5520-5525.
Chemistry - Getting specific about specific ion effects
D.J. Tobias, J.C Hemminger
319(5867), 1197-1198.
A unique dosing system for the production of OH under high vacuum for
the study of environmental heterogeneous reactions
M.A. Brown, V. Johanek, J.C. Hemminger
Review of Scientific Instruments
79(2), art. no. 024101.
D2O water interaction with mixed alkane thiol monolayers
of tuned hydrophobic and hydrophilic character
R.L. Grimm, N.M. Barrentine, C.J.H. Knox, J.C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
112(4), 890-894
Physical vapor deposition of one-dimensional nanoparticle arrays
on graphite: Seeding the Electrodeposition of gold nanowires
C.E. Cross, J.C. Hemminger, R.M. Penner
23(20), 10372-10379.
The effect of an organic surfactant on the liquid
-vapor interface of an electrolyte solution
M.J. Krisch, R. D'Auria, M.A. Brown, D.J. Tobia, J.C. Hemminger, M. Ammanm,
D.E. Dtar, H.Bluhm
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
111(36), 13497-13509.
The effect of an organic surfactant on the liquid
-vapor interface of an electrolyte solution
M.J. Krisch, R. D'Auria, M.A. Brown, D.J. Tobia, J.C. Hemminger, M. Ammanm,
D.E. Dtar, H.Bluhm
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
111(36), 13497-13509.
2006 |
Substrate changes associated with the chemistry of self-assembled monolayers on silicon
T. M. McIntire, S. R. Smalley, J. T. Newberg, A. S. Lea, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Langmuir 2006, 22(13), 5617-5624.
Luminescent polycrystalline cadmium selenide nanowires synthesized by cyclic electrodeposition/stripping coupled with step edge decoration
Q. Li, M. A. Brown, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Chemistry of Materials 2006, 18(15), 3432-3441.
Soft X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy at the molecular environmental science beamline at the Advanced Light Source
H. Bluhm, K. Andersson, T. Araki, K. Benzerara, G. E. Brown, J. J. Dynes, S. Ghosal, M. K. Gilles, H. C. Hansen, J. C. Hemminger, A. P. Hitchcock, G. Ketteler, A. L. D. Kilcoyne, E. Kneedler, J. R. Lawrence, G. G. Leppard, J. Majzlam, B. S. Mun, S. C. B. Myneni, A. Nilsson, H. Ogasawara, D. F. Ogletree, K. Pecher, M. Salmeron, D. K. Shuh, B. Tonner, T. Tyliszczak, T. Warwick and T. H. Yoon
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 2006, 150(2-3), 86-104.
2005 |
Reversible eresistance modulation in mesoscopic silver wires induced by exposure to amine vapor
B. J. Murray, J. T. Newberg, E. C. Walter, Q. Li, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77(16), 5205-5214.
Silver oxide microwires: Electrodeposition and observation of reversible resistance modulation upon exposure to ammonia vapor
B. J. Murray, Q. Li, J. T. Newberg, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17(26), 6611-6618.
Shape- and size-selective electrochemical synthesis of dispersed silver(I) oxide colloids
B. J. Murray, O. Li, J. T. Newberg, E. J. Menke, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Nano Letters 2005, 5(11), 2319-2324.
Molybdenum disulfide nanowires and nanoribbons by electrochemical/chemical synthesis
Q. Li, E. C. Walter, W. E. van der Veer, B. J. Murray, J. T. Newberg, E. W. Bohannan, J. A. Switzer, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109(8), 3169-3182.
In situ study of water-induced segregation of bromide in bromide-doped sodium chloride by scanning polarization force microscopy
S. Ghosal, A. Verdaguer, J. C. Hemminger and M. Salmeron
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2005, 109(21), 4744-4749.
Electron spectroscopy of aqueous solution interfaces reveals surface enhancement of halides
S. Ghosal, J. C. Hemminger, H. Bluhm, B. S. Mun, E. L. D. Hebenstreit, G. Ketteler, D. F. Ogletree, F. G. Requejo and M. Salmeron
Science 2005, 307(5709), 563-566.
Combined vapor and electrochemical deposition approach to the controlled growth of nanoscale metal dendritic islands, beaded wires, and continuous wires.
C. E. Cross and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2005, 229, U673-U674.
2004 |
The nature of water on surfaces of laboratory systems and implications for heterogeneous chemistry in the troposphere
A. L. Sumner, E. J. Menke, Y. Dubowski, J. T. Newberg, R. M. Penner, J. C. Hemminger, L. M. Wingen, T. Brauers and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6(3), 604-613.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of ozone reacting with alkali halide salt surfaces.
J. T. Newberg and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2004, 228(U289-U289.
Semiconductor molybdenum disulfide nanowire arrays by hybrid electrochemical/chemical method.
Q. G. Li, E. C. Walter, J. T. Newberg, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2004, 227(U1301-U1301.
Polycrystalline molybdenum disulfide (2H-MoS2) nano- and microribbons by electrochemical/chemical synthesis
Q. Li, J. T. Newberg, E. C. Walter, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Nano Letters 2004, 4(2), 277-281.
Determination of surface OH acidity from the formation of acid/base complexes on ultrathin films of gamma-Al2O3 on NiAl(100)
K. A. Layman and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Catalysis 2004, 222(1), 207-213.
Imaging and kinetics of surface reactions: Fundamental phenomena with applications to important problems
J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2004, 227(U268-U268.
Surface adsorbed water on NaCl and its effect on nitric acid reactivity with NaCl powders
S. Ghosal and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2004, 108(37), 14102-14108.
Interactions of gaseous nitric acid with surfaces of environmental interest
Y. Dubowski, A. L. Sumner, E. J. Menke, D. J. Gaspar, J. T. Newberg, R. C. Hoffman, R. M. Penner, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2004, 6(14), 3879-3888.
2003 |
Chemical vapor deposition of silica micro- and nanoribbons using step-edge localized water
M. P. Zach, J. T. Newberg, L. Sierra, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107(23), 5393-5397.
Metal nanowire arrays by electrodeposition
E. C. Walter, M. P. Zach, F. Favier, B. J. Murray, K. Inazu, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Chemphyschem 2003, 4(2), 131-138.
Pyridine adsorption and acid/base complex formation on ultrathin films of gamma-Al2O3 on NiAl(100)
K. A. Layman, M. M. Ivey and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107(33), 8538-8546.
Characterization of ultrathin films of gamma-Al2O3 and the chemistry of 1,3-butadiene on NiAl(001) and gamma-Al2O3
M. M. Ivey, K. A. Layman, A. Avoyan, H. C. Allen and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107(26), 6391-6400.
2002 |
Synthesis of molybdenum nanowires with millimeter-scale lengths using electrochemical step edge decoration
M. P. Zach, K. Inazu, K. H. Ng, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Chemistry of Materials 2002, 14(7), 3206-3216.
Effect of carbon deposits on reactivity of supported Pd model catalysts
S. K. Shaikhutdinov, M. Frank, M. Baumer, S. D. Jackson, R. J. Oldman, J. C. Hemminger and H. J. Freund
Catalysis Letters 2002, 80(3-4), 115-122.
Uptake and reaction of ozone on NaCl and bromide-doped NaCl: A surface analysis approach.
J. T. Newberg, K. Inazu and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2002, 224(U351-U351.
Bromine surface segregation in BR doped NaCl: Implications for ozone loss in the Arctic.
J. C. Hemminger, S. Ghosal, K. Inazu and J. T. Newberg
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2002, 223(C52-C53.
2001 |
Sample mounting and transfer for coupling an ultrahigh vacuum variable temperature beetle scanning tunneling microscope with conventional surface probes
K. Nafisi, W. Ranau and J. C. Hemminger
Review of Scientific Instruments 2001, 72(1), 157-162.
Surface segregation of bromine in bromide doped NaCl: Implications for particle chemistry and the seasonal variations in Arctic ozone.
J. C. Hemminger, S. Ghosal and K. Inazu
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2001, 222(U199-U199.
2000 |
sigma-bond metathesis on a surface: Dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on hydrogen-saturated Pt(111)
D. A. Perry and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2000, 122(33), 8079-8080.
Effects of coadsorbed hydrogen (or d) on the dehydrogenation of cyclohexane on Pt(111): Observation of the production of adsorbed cyclohexyl (C6H11)
M. E. Pansoy-Hjelvik, P. Schnabel and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2000, 104(28), 6554-6561.
Control size, nanometer-scale, reaction vessels in two dimensions
K. Nafisi, J. Samu and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2000, 104(44), 10111-10115.
Surface segregation of bromine in bromide doped NaCl: Implications for the seasonal variations in Arctic ozone
S. Ghosal, A. Shbeeb and J. C. Hemminger
Geophysical Research Letters 2000, 27(13), 1879-1882.
Physical chemistry of airborne sea salt particles and their components
B. J. Finlayson-Pitts and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104(49), 11463-11477.
1990-1999 |
Rigid molecular rods with cumulene-bridged polyphosphines: Synthesis, electronic communication, molecular photophysics, mixed-valence state, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic study
J. V. Ortega, B. Hong, S. Ghosal, J. C. Hemminger, B. Breedlove and C. P. Kubiak
Inorganic Chemistry 1999, 38(22), 5102-5112.
Heterogeneous chemistry in the troposphere: a modern surface chemistry approach to the study of fundamental processes
J. C. Hemminger
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 1999, 18(3), 387-417.
Effect of water on the HNO3 pressure dependence of the reaction between gas-phase HNO3 and NaCl surfaces
S. Ghosal and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999, 103(25), 4777-4781.
Laboratory studies of model sea-salt aerosols with HOCl.
K. L. Foster, M. J. Lakin, T. E. Caldwell, J. C. Hemminger, T. Benter and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1999, 217(U109-U109.
Techniques for quantifying gaseous HOCl using atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry
K. L. Foster, T. E. Caldwell, T. Benter, S. Langer, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1999, 1(24), 5615-5621.
Characterization of HOCL using atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry
T. E. Caldwell, K. L. Foster, T. Benter, S. Langer, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. Finlayson-Pitts
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999, 103(41), 8231-8238.
Kinetics and mechanism for the H/D exchange between ethylene and deuterium over Pt(111)
T. V. W. Janssens, D. Stone, J. C. Hemminger and F. Zaera
Journal of Catalysis 1998, 177(2), 284-295.
Dimerization of 1,3-butadiene on highly characterized hydroxylated surfaces of ultrathin films of gamma-Al2O3
M. M. Ivey, H. C. Allen, A. Avoyan, K. A. Martin and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1998, 120(42), 10980-10981.
Size-selective and epitaxial electrochemical/chemical synthesis of sulfur-passivated cadmium sulfide nanocrystals on graphite
S. Gorer, J. A. Ganske, J. C. Hemminger and R. M. Penner
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1998, 120(37), 9584-9593.
Displacement of thiophene by methanethiol observed in situ by scanning tunneling microscopy and quartz crystal oscillator gravimetric analysis on Au(III)
M. H. Dishner, P. Taborek, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Langmuir 1998, 14(23), 6676-6680.
Preparation of gold thin films by epitaxial growth on mica and the effect of flame annealing
M. H. Dishner, M. M. Ivey, S. Gorer, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1998, 16(6), 3295-3300.
Chemistry of HNO3 on Ge(100)
A. Avoyan, C. Tindall and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 1998, 102(26), 5069-5076.
Minimizing transmission electron microscopy beam damage during the study of surface reactions on sodium chloride
H. C. Allen, M. L. Mecartney and J. C. Hemminger
Microscopy and Microanalysis 1998, 4(1), 23-33.
Covalent surface confinement of osmium-terpyridine complexes: a UV-VIS and XPS study
M. Zhou, J. M. Laux, K. D. Edwards, J. C. Hemminger and B. Hong
Chemical Communications 1997, 20), 1977-1978.
Laser desorption mass spectrometry and vibrational spectroscopy of hydrocarbon chemistry on hydroxylated and non-hydroxylated Al2O3 surfaces.
M. M. Ivey, A. Avoyan, H. C. Allen and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1997, 214(99-COLL.
Chemisorption of organosulfur molecules onto Au(111): New insights into the chemisorption process.
F. J. Feher, M. H. Dishner and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1997, 213(604-INOR.
Thermal decomposition of trimethylamine on Pt(111): spectroscopic identification of surface intermediates
W. Erley, R. Xu and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1997, 389(1-3), 272-286.
Adsorption of thiophene and methanethiol form by coordination to Au(111) from gas- and liquid-phase deposition form ordered stable monolayers after diffusion.
M. H. Dishner, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1997, 213(112-COLL.
Direct observation of substrate influence on chemisorption of methanethiol adsorbed from the gas phase onto the reconstructed Au(111) surface
M. H. Dishner, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Langmuir 1997, 13(8), 2318-2322.
Ordered monolayers on Au(111) formed by gas- and liquid-phase deposition of thiophene, methanethiol, and benzeneselenol: Understanding the chemisorption mechanism.
M. H. Dishner, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1997, 214(375-PHYS.
Scanning tunneling microscopy characterization of organoselenium monolayers on Au(III)
M. H. Dishner, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Langmuir 1997, 13(18), 4788-4790.
Some new laboratory approaches to studying tropospheric heterogeneous reactions
R. Vogt, C. Elliott, H. C. Allen, J. M. Laux, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. FinlaysonPitts
Atmospheric Environment 1996, 30(10-11), 1729-1737.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the effects of water vapor on ultrathin nitrate layers on NaCl
J. M. Laux, T. F. Fister, B. J. FinlaysonPitts and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996, 100(51), 19891-19897.
The chemistry of hydrocarbons co-adsorbed with hydrogen on Pt(111): Hydrogenation and exchange.
J. C. Hemminger, M. E. PansoyHjelvik, P. Schnabel and D. Stone
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1996, 211(187-COLL.
Water induced recrystallization of monolayer sodium nitrate films on NaCl(100): Implications for the chemistry of sea salt particles in the troposphere.
J. C. Hemminger, B. J. FinlaysonPitts, H. Allen, J. M. Laux and R. Vogt
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1996, 211(85-COLL.
Formation of a self-assembled monolayer by adsorption of thiophene on Au(111) and its photooxidation
M. H. Dishner, J. C. Hemminger and F. J. Feher
Langmuir 1996, 12(26), 6176-6178.
Formation and photooxidation of n-dodecanethiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111): 'Pits' formed during chemisorption disappear upon oxidation
M. H. Dishner, F. J. Feher and J. C. Hemminger
Chemical Communications 1996, 16), 1971-1972.
Projection photolithography utilizing a Schwarzschild microscope and self-assembled alkanethiol monolayers as simple photoresists
J. M. Behm, K. R. Lykke, M. J. Pellin and J. C. Hemminger
Langmuir 1996, 12(8), 2121-2124.
Microscopic laser desorption postionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry
J. M. Behm, J. C. Hemminger and K. R. Lykke
Analytical Chemistry 1996, 68(5), 713-719.
Water-induced reorganization of ultrathin nitrate films on NaCl: Implications for the tropospheric chemistry of sea salt particles
H. C. Allen, J. M. Laux, R. Vogt, B. J. FinlaysonPitts and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1996, 100(16), 6371-6375.
Hreels Studies of the Chemistry of Nitrogen Hydrides on Ge(100) - Formation of a Surface Nitride at Low-Temperatures
C. Tindall and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1995, 330(1), 67-74.
A Video-Based Spin-Polarized Leed Data-Acquisition System
J. Giergiel, H. Hopster, J. M. Lawrence, J. C. Hemminger and J. Kirschner
Review of Scientific Instruments 1995, 66(6), 3475-3479.
New Procedures for the Preparation of Cds and Heterogeneous Cr/Cds Phases in Hybrid Xerogel Matrices - Pore Structure-Analysis and Characterization
K. M. Choi, J. C. Hemminger and K. J. Shea
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99(13), 4720-4732.
Evidence for Possible 4f Bands at T-Much-Greater-Than-T-K in the Heavy-Fermion Single-Crystal Cept2+X
A. B. Andrews, J. J. Joyce, A. J. Arko, J. D. Thompson, J. Tang, J. M. Lawrence and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1995, 51(5), 3277-3280.
Surface Spectroscopic Studies of Hn3 Chemistry on Ge(100)
C. Tindall and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1994, 207(61-COLL.
Ultraviolet-Laser Ablation of Si3n4 Thin-Films
Y. Takigawa and J. C. Hemminger
Applied Surface Science 1994, 80(146-151.
The Chemistry of Methyl and Ethyl Radicals on Pt(111) from the Decomposition of Tri-Alkyl Bismuth Compounds
M. E. Pansoyhjelvik, R. Xu, Q. Y. Gao, K. Weller, F. Feher and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1994, 312(1-2), 97-105.
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Studies of the Heterogenous Reaction of Gaseous Nitric-Acid with Sodium-Chloride - Kinetics and Contribution to the Chemistry of the Marine Troposphere
J. M. Laux, J. C. Hemminger and B. J. Finlaysonpitts
Geophysical Research Letters 1994, 21(15), 1623-1626.
Dynamics of Ion Coupling in an Ftms Ion-Trap and Resulting Effects on Mass-Spectra, Including Isotope Ratios
J. Y. Huang, P. W. Tiedemann, D. P. Land, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes 1994, 134(1), 11-21.
Photopatterning of Self-Assembled Alkanethiolate Monolayers on Gold - a Simple Monolayer Photoresist Utilizing Aqueous Chemistry
J. Y. Huang, D. A. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Langmuir 1994, 10(3), 626-628.
The Conversion of Ethylene to Ethylidyne on Pt(111) - Non-First Order Kinetics and Ensemble Effects
W. Erley, Y. Li, D. P. Land and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1994, 301(1-3), 177-196.
Spectroscopic Identification of an Hcnh Species on Pt(111)
W. Erley and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1994, 316(1-2), L1025-L1030.
X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy Studies of Cerium Thin-Films on Transition-Metal Foils - Ce/Re, Ce/Ir, and Ce/Pt
J. Tang, J. M. Lawrence and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1993, 47(24), 16477-16485.
Structure and Valence of the Ce/Pt(111) System
J. Tang, J. M. Lawrence and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1993, 48(20), 15342-15352.
Photooxidation of Thiols in Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold
J. Y. Huang and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1993, 115(8), 3342-3343.
Coverage Dependence of Hydrocarbon Reactions on Pt - a Microscopic (Stm) and Macroscopic Kinetics View
J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1993, 205(338-COLL.
Kinetic-Study of the Initial-Stages of Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane on the Pt(111) Surface
D. H. Parker, C. L. Pettiettehall, Y. Z. Li, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1992, 96(4), 1888-1894.
Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Rubber Vulcanizates by Laser Desorption Laser Ionization
K. R. Lykke, D. H. Parker, P. Wurz, J. E. Hunt, M. J. Pellin, D. M. Gruen, J. C. Hemminger and R. P. Lattimer
Analytical Chemistry 1992, 64(22), 2797-2803.
Characterization of Thiol Self-Assembled Films by Laser Desorption Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry
Y. Z. Li, J. Y. Huang, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1992, 114(7), 2428-2432.
Stm Investigation of Single Layer Graphite Structures Produced on Pt(111) by Hydrocarbon Decomposition
T. A. Land, T. Michely, R. J. Behm, J. C. Hemminger and G. Comsa
Surface Science 1992, 264(3), 261-270.
Direct Observation of Surface-Reactions by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy - Ethylene-]Ethylidyne-]Carbon Particles-]Graphite on Pt(111)
T. A. Land, T. Michely, R. J. Behm, J. C. Hemminger and G. Comsa
Journal of Chemical Physics 1992, 97(9), 6774-6783.
Photoemission and Thermal-Desorption Studies of Electron-Beam Polymerized Thiophene Films on Pt(111)
T. A. Land and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1992, 268(1-3), 179-188.
Laser-Induced Desorption Studies of Photochemical and Thermal-Reactions at Surfaces
J. C. Hemminger, Y. Z. Li, J. Y. Huang and R. T. Mciver
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1992, 203(121-PHYS.
Beam-Induced Modifications of Tcnq Multilayers
S. K. Wells, J. Giergiel, T. A. Land, J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1991, 257(1-3), 129-145.
Identification of Multiple Steps in the Dehydrogenation of Cyclic C6 Hydrocarbons to Benzene on Pt(111)
C. L. Pettiettehall, D. P. Land, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1991, 113(7), 2755-2756.
Molecular-Identification in Surface-Analysis
M. J. Pellin, K. R. Lykke, P. Wurz, D. H. Parker, J. C. Hemminger and D. M. Gruen
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1991, 202(45-NUCL.
Stm Investigation of the Adsorption and Temperature-Dependent Reactions of Ethylene on Pt(111)
T. A. Land, T. Michely, R. J. Behm, J. C. Hemminger and G. Comsa
Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing 1991, 53(5), 414-417.
Identification of Molecular Adsorbates by Litd Ftms - a Breakthrough for Surface-Chemistry
D. P. Land, C. L. Pettiettehall, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Accounts of Chemical Research 1991, 24(2), 42-47.
Surface Intermediates and Coverage Dependent Kinetics of the Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexane to Benzene on Pt(111)
J. C. Hemminger, C. L. Pettiettehall, D. Parker and R. T. Mciver
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1991, 201(215-COLL.
Laser-Induced Desorption with Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry as a Molecular Probe of Surface-Reactions
J. C. Hemminger, D. Parker, D. P. Land, C. Pettiettehall, Y. Z. Li and R. T. Mciver
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1991, 201(24-COLL.
Growth and Chemistry of Tcnq Films on Nickel(111)
J. Giergiel, S. Wells, T. A. Land and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1991, 255(1-2), 31-40.
A Vibrational Spectroscopy Study of Ch3cooh, Ch3cood and 13cd3cooh(D) Adsorption on Pt(111) .1. Surface Dimer Formation and Hydrogen-Bonding
Q. Y. GAO and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1991, 248(1-2), 45-56.
Ftir Tds Studies of Reaction Paths and Surface Intermediates Following Multilayer Adsorption of Formamide on Ni(111)
Q. Y. GAO, W. Erley, D. Sander, H. Ibach and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1991, 95(1), 205-211.
Kinetics of the Ethylene to Ethylidyne Conversion Reaction on Pt(111) Studied by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry
C. L. Pettiettehall, D. P. Land, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1990, 94(5), 1948-1953.
Experimental-Determination of Thermal and Nonthermal Mechanisms for Laser Desorption from Thin Metal-Films
Y. Z. Li, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Chemical Physics 1990, 93(7), 4719-4723.
A Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometer for Surface-Analysis by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption of Molecular Adsorbates
D. P. Land, C. L. Pettiettehall, D. Sander, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Review of Scientific Instruments 1990, 61(6), 1674-1684.
An Empirical Electron Spectrometer Transmission Function for Applications in Quantitative Xps
C. S. Hemminger, T. A. Land, A. Christie and J. C. Hemminger
Surface and Interface Analysis 1990, 15(5), 323-327.
Chemisorption and Thermal-Decomposition of Acetic-Acid on Pt(111)
Q. Y. GAO and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 1990, 54(667-676.
Hreels Studies of Formamide on Pt(111) - Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions between Adsorbates
C. R. Flores, Q. Y. Gao and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1990, 239(1-2), 156-168.
1980-1989 |
Passivation of Hgcdte with Cds Thin-Films - Correlation of Device Characteristics with Surface Spectroscopy
J. P. Ziegler, J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Applied Physics 1989, 65(6), 2523-2529.
The Interface Chemistry of Hgcdte Passivated with Native Sulfide Layers Grown from Nonaqueous and Aqueous Polysulfide Solutions
J. P. Ziegler, J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1989, 7(2), 469-473.
Aqueous Electrochemical Growth of Anodic Sulfide Films on Mercury Cadmium Telluride
J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Applied Physics Letters 1989, 54(22), 2238-2240.
Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Studies of the Hydrogenation of Cyanogen on Pt(111) - Comparison with Hcn and Ethylenediamine
J. M. Lindquist, J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1989, 210(1-2), 27-45.
Detection of Reaction Intermediates in the Conversion of Cyclohexane to Benzene on Pt(111)
D. P. Land, C. L. Pettiettehall, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1989, 111(15), 5970-5972.
Chemical Ionization of Laser-Desorbed Neutrals in a Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometer
I. J. Amster, D. P. Land, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Analytical Chemistry 1989, 61(2), 184-186.
Characterization of Thin-Films and Surface Adsorbates by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption with Ftms Detection
R. T. Mciver, D. P. Land and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1988, 196(84-ANYL.
X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Studies of the Partial Hydrogenation of Cyanogen on Pt(111) - Comparison with Hcn and Ethylenediamine
J. M. Lindquist, J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1988, 6(3), 1135-1137.
High-Resolution Core Level Photoelectron-Spectra of Solid Tcnq - Determination of Molecular-Orbital Spatial-Distribution from Localized Shake-up Features
J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1988, 92(6), 1394-1396.
Characterization of Multilayer Thin-Films by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption Mass-Spectrometry
D. P. Land, T. L. Tai, J. M. Lindquist, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1988, 6(3), 1024-1025.
Surface-Reaction Intermediates Formed in the Hydrogenation and Dehydrogenation of Nitrogen Containing Organic-Molecules on Pt(111)
J. C. Hemminger, J. M. Lindquist and J. P. Ziegler
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1988, 196(189-COLL.
The Identification of Complex Molecular-Species on Surfaces and in Thin-Films by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption with Ftms Detection
J. C. Hemminger, D. P. Land, I. J. Amster and R. T. Mciver
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1988, 196(212-COLL.
Surface-Plasmon Polariton Enhancement of Raman-Scattering in Kretschmann Geometry
J. Giergiel, C. E. Reed, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1988, 92(19), 5357-5365.
A Vibrational Spectroscopy/Tds Study of Formamide Adsorption and Decomposition on Ni(111)
Q. GAO, D. Sander, H. Ibach, W. Erley and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1988, 196(252-COLL.
The Effect of Oriented Defects on Long-Range Ordering of Hydrocarbon Films - Azulene on Pt(111)
C. R. Flores and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1988, 6(3), 849-850.
Selective Orientation of Adsorbate Domains Due to Ion Bombardment-Induced Substrate Defects - Azulene on Pt(111)
C. R. Flores and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1988, 202(3), 433-441.
Polycrystalline N-Srtio3 as an Electrode for the Photoelectrochromic Switching of Prussian Blue Films
J. P. Ziegler, E. K. Lesniewski and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Applied Physics 1987, 61(8), 3099-3104.
Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization of the Photochromic Behavior of Prussian Blue Films on N-Srtio3
J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1987, 134(2), 358-363.
The Decomposition Potential of Hg1-Xcdxte in Polysulfide Electrolytes
J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1987, 134(8B), C431-C431.
Laser-Driven Thermal-Reactions of Ethylidyne on Platinum
M. G. Sherman, D. P. Land, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Chemical Physics Letters 1987, 137(4), 298-300.
Dipole Radiation in a Multilayer Geometry
C. E. Reed, J. Giergiel, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Physical Review B 1987, 36(9), 4990-5000.
A Hreels Tds Study of the Intermediate Formed by the Reaction of C2n2 with H-2 on Pt(111)
K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1987, 179(1), L6-L12.
Xps Studies of Co Chemisorption on the Mixed-Valence, Intermetallic Compound Ceir2
J. M. Lindquist, J. Lawrence and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1987, 194(90-COLL.
Adsorbate Effects on a Mixed-Valence Compound - Carbon-Monoxide Chemisorption on Ceir2
J. M. Lindquist, J. C. Hemminger and J. Lawrence
Physical Review B 1987, 36(11), 5819-5829.
A Movable Sample Stub for Heating and Cooling with Integral Thermocouple for Use with the Vg Scientific Escalab-Mkii
J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1987, 5(1), 118-119.
Co Chemisorption Effects on Cerium Initial and Final-States in the Core Level Photoelectron-Spectrum of Ceir2
J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1987, 91(22), 5535-5537.
Identification of Molecular Adsorbates on and in Thin Amorphous-Carbon Films by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption with Ftms Detection
D. P. Land, T. L. Tai, J. M. Lindquist, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1987, 194(27-ANYL.
Characterization of Multilayer Thin-Films by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption Mass-Spectrometry
D. P. Land, T. L. Tai, J. M. Lindquist, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Analytical Chemistry 1987, 59(24), 2924-2927.
Coadsorption of Cyanogen and Potassium on Pt(111)
J. R. Kingsley and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1987, 181(3), L156-L162.
Atr Enhanced and Conventional Raman-Spectroscopy as a Probe of Surface-Chemistry on Metals and Semiconductors in Uhv
J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1987, 193(32-ANYL.
Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Mode Conversion on Rough Interfaces
J. Giergiel, C. E. Reed, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Physical Review B 1987, 36(6), 3052-3058.
Defects in C(2x2) Oxygen Overlayers on Ni(100) - the Effect on Vibrational-Spectra
B. A. Banse, K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Chemical Physics 1987, 86(5), 2986-2989.
Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization of the Photochromic Behavior of Prussian Blue Films on N-Srtio3
J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 1986, 133(8), C333-C333.
Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Characterization of the Photochromic Behavior of Ultra-Thin Prussian Blue Films on Normal-Srtio3 Electrodes
J. P. Ziegler and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(39-COLL.
Surface-Reactions and Intermediates Studied by Laser Desorption Ftms
M. G. Sherman, D. P. Land, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(123-COLL.
Surface-Analysis by Multiphoton Ionization of Laser-Desorbed Molecules
M. G. Sherman, D. P. Land, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(85-PHYS.
Surface-Reactions Studied by Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption with Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry Detection
M. G. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, D. Land, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1986, 4(3), 1507-1509.
Cluster-Models of Adsorbate Vibrations
K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(84-PHYS.
Eels Studies of the Intermediate Formed by the Reaction of Hydrogen with Cyanogen on Pt(111)
K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(83-PHYS.
Vibrational Analysis of Water Adsorbed on Pd(100) - Sensitivity of the Isotope Shifts of Bending Modes to the Bonding Site
K. G. Lloyd, B. A. Banse and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1986, 33(4), 2858-2860.
Photoemission-Studies of Co Chemisorption on the Mixed Valent Compound Ceir2
J. M. Lindquist and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1986, 192(86-PHYS.
Raman-Scattering and Attenuated-Total-Reflection Studies of Surface-Plasmon Polaritons
K. Kurosawa, R. M. Pierce, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1986, 33(2), 789-798.
Generation of Cyanogen from the Decomposition of Several Nitrogen-Containing Aromatics on Pt(111)
J. R. Kingsley and J. C. Hemminger
Langmuir 1986, 2(4), 460-464.
Relative Raman-Scattering Cross-Sections for Chemisorbed and Physisorbed Pyridine Molecules Adsorbed on Surface-Enhanced Raman-Scattering-Active Ag Films in Ultrahigh-Vacuum - Local-Field Effects in the Low-Coverage Regime
J. Giergiel, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1986, 33(8), 5657-5663.
Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption Using Ftms Detection
M. G. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1985, 190(SEP), 255-COL.
Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption with Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometric Detection
M. G. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Acs Symposium Series 1985, 288(238-251.
Surface-Analysis by Laser Desorption of Neutral Molecules with Detection by Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry
M. G. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Analytica Chimica Acta 1985, 178(1), 79-89.
Laser-Induced Thermal-Desorption Utilizing Ft-Ms Detection
M. G. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, D. A. Dahlgren, J. C. Hemminger and R. T. Mciver
Surface Science 1985, 149(1), L25-L32.
Effects of Annealing on the Attenuated-Total-Reflection Spectra of Cold-Evaporated Silver Films
C. E. Reed, J. Giergiel, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1985, 31(4), 1873-1880.
Adsorption of Tetracyanoethylene on a Nickel(111) Surface Studied by Auger-Electron Spectroscopy, Thermal-Desorption Spectroscopy, and Raman-Spectroscopy
F. M. PAN, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Journal of Physical Chemistry 1985, 89(5), 862-867.
A Cluster Approach to the Analysis of Adsorbate Vibrations
K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Chemical Physics 1985, 82(8), 3858-3867.
Attenuated-Total-Reflection Study of Pyridine Overlayers on Silver Films
J. Giergiel, C. E. Reed, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1985, 31(6), 3323-3329.
Atr Studies of Evaporated Silver Films and Molecular Overlayers
J. Giergiel, C. E. Reed, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1985, 158(1-3), 271-274.
Laser Desorption Fourier-Transform Mass-Spectrometry as a Probe of Molecular Adsorbates on Metal-Surfaces in Uhv
M. Sherman, J. R. Kingsley, R. T. Mciver and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1984, 188(AUG), 20-COLL.
Cluster-Analysis of the Vibrations of the P(2x2) Oxygen Structure on Ni(100)
K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1984, 143(2-3), 509-516.
Coadsorption Chemistry of H-2 and C2n2 on Pt(111) - a Common Intermediate in the Hydrogenation of Cyanogen and the Dehydrogenation of Ethylenediamine on Pt(111)
J. R. Kingsley, D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1984, 139(2-3), 417-429.
Lifetime of Adsorbate Vibrations - the Role of Anharmonicity
J. C. Ariyasu, D. L. Mills, K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1984, 30(2), 507-518.
Measurement of Charge-Transfer in the Bonding of Tetracyanoethylene to Ni(111) by Raman-Spectroscopy
F. M. PAN, S. Ushioda and J. C. Hemminger
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1983, 186(AUG), 218-COLL.
Chemisorption and Ordering of Naphthalene and Azulene on Pt(S)[7(111)X(100)] - the Effect of Periodic Defects on Long-Range Order
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1983, 134(3), 836-848.
Control of the Utl 100c Quadrupole Mass-Spectrometer with an Inexpensive Microcomputer
D. Dahlgren, J. Arnold and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology a-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 1983, 1(1), 81-83.
Raman-Spectra of Pyridine Adsorbed on Ni(111)
C. C. Chou, C. E. Reed, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 1983, 29(JAN), 401-406.
Anharmonic Damping of Adsorbate Vibrational-Modes
J. C. Ariyasu, D. L. Mills, K. G. Lloyd and J. C. Hemminger
Physical Review B 1983, 28(10), 6123-6126.
Chemisorption and Thermal Chemistry of Azulene and Naphthalene Adsorbed on Pt(111)
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1982, 114(2-3), 459-470.
The Chemistry of Dimethyltetrazine on Pt(111)
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1982, 120(2), 456-466.
Decomposition of No2 to No and O on Pt(111)
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1982, 123(2-3), L739-L742.
Raman-Scattering Cross-Section of Adsorbed Pyridine Molecules on a Smooth Silver Surface
M. Udagawa, C. C. Chou, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 1981, 26(3), 338-338.
Raman-Scattering Cross-Section of Adsorbed Pyridine Molecules on a Smooth Silver Surface
M. Udagawa, C. C. Chou, J. C. Hemminger and S. Ushioda
Physical Review B 1981, 23(12), 6843-6846.
Symmetry Extinction of Leed Beams for Naphthalene Adsorbed on Pt(111)
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Surface Science 1981, 109(2), L513-L518.
The Nature of the Phase-Transition Observed for Monolayers of Azulene on Pt(111)
D. Dahlgren and J. C. Hemminger
Journal of Chemical Physics 1981, 75(11), 5573-5574.
Laser-Excited Fluorescence Emission from Cis and Trans Isomers of 2,3-Dimethylcyclobutanone and 2,4-Dimethylcyclobutanone - Ultra-Short-Lived Excited Molecules
Hemminge.Jc, H. A. J. Carless and E. K. C. Lee
Journal of the American Chemical Society 1973, 95(3), 682-685.