tag, but not
within lines. You can show the header over or under the TABLE by setting ALIGN
to TOP resp. BOTTOM.
Start a new line in the table. ALIGN sets the horizontal adjusments for the
lines text and VALIGN the vertical adjustment. BGCOLOR is a background color.
HEIGHT is the minimum height of the row in pixels or percent. HEIGHT is not
defined in a HTML standard, but works in Netscape 2.x. Do not need to end with
according to HTML 3.2, but see below about nested tables. (IE)
TD and TH insert a new cell. TH stands for 'table header' and displays the
contents of the cell in bold. ALIGN sets the adjustments of the text. NOWRAP
prevents the browser from wrapping the cell contents. COLSPAN can be used to
let the cell go over more than one column. Default is 1. ROWSPAN is the same
thing, but let the cell go over more than one line. Default setting is 1. WIDTH
sets the width of the cell. BGCOLOR is a background color. HEIGHT is the minimum
height of the cell in pixels or percent. (IE)
, | , , ,
This is Explorer extensions, mostly for use with the FRAME parameter to the
TABLE tag. Not supported in other browsers and therefore not detailed explained
here. IE
The ending , or is not required in HTML 3.2 since any
following tag defining a row, cell or table closes the previous cell
definition, but because of a bug in Netscape Navigator it is necessary to
include these end tags when using nested tables.