UCI Chemistry selected to join the ACS Bridge Program as an ACS Bridge Partner

The Department of Chemistry has been selected to join the ACS Bridge Program as an ACS Bridge Partner.

ACS Bridge Partners are departments that have demonstrated that they will provide a supportive, bridge-like treatment of students with a commitment to diversity. This designation allows ACS to recommend supportive programs to interested students and allows departments committed to Bridge Program principles recruit talented students to their programs. The UCI Department of Chemistry is proud to be part of this important program.

Chemistry Faculty Receive Three Academic Senate Distinguished Awards

The UCI Academic Senate awarded three of their Distinguished Faculty Awards to members of the Department of Chemistry, including some of their highest honors.

The Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award for Teaching was awarded to Professor Steve Mang. The Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. Distinguished University Service Award was awarded to Professor Sergey Nizkorodov. Professor Chang Liu, Biomedical Engineering and Chemistry, was awarded the Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Research.

UCI team receives $1 million Keck Foundation grant to develop tools for RNA observation

A multidisciplinary team of UCI professors has received a $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation to develop new molecular tools to identify ribonucleic acids essential in learning and memory formation. “Our project involves building luminescent RNA molecules, allowing us to observe their position and activity in the brain of a living, learning mouse,” said principal investigator Andrej Luptak, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and chemistry. “We will relate the results obtained over the past 40 years in cultured cells to the molecular mechanisms that happen in live animals.

Professor Liz Jarvo receives the Journal of Organic Chemistry’s 2021 Outstanding Article of the Year Award!

The Journal of Organic Chemistry’s 2021 Outstanding Article of the Year Award is cosponsored by the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry and The Journal of Organic Chemistry. Annual award recipients are chosen based on the creativity and impact of their article published the previous year. 

Chemistry Major Lucy Yang has been awarded a Barry Goldwater Scholarship!

Congratulations to Luptak group member, Lucy Yang, for being awarded a 2021 Barry Goldwater Scholarship! There is an estimated pool of over 5,000 college sophomores and juniors that apply to compete for the 2021 Goldwater scholarships to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields. This year, only 410 scholars were awarded the scholarship. Goldwater Scholars have impressive academic and research credentials that will eventually garner the attention of prestigious post-graduate fellowship programs. 

Professor Jenny Yang is the Recipient of the 2021 Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship Award!

Professor Jenny Yang is the recipient of the 2021 Inorganic Chemistry Lectureship Award! The award is co-sponsored by the journal, Inorganic Chemistry, and the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Established in 2013, this annual award "recognizes an individual who has demonstrated broad creativity and impact in leading research in Inorganic Chemistry." Professor Yang will give a lecture in a symposium organized in her honor at the 2021 Fall ACS National Meeting. 
