Learning from Lab Accidents and the Principles of Safe Research

Every laboratory researcher must continuously address a key question: What makes the laboratory safe and how can safety outcomes be improved? Laboratory safety is a clear and common goal whether one is a researcher, supervisor, principal investigator or EH&S professional, but the approaches vary. This presentation will examine actions by researchers that improve safety and reduce accidents in laboratories. Recent cases of laboratory accidents in universities will be discussed in the context of ten principles of safe research that can serve as a guide for planning safer experiments.

Insights into the role of complex oxides in nuclear energy applications

The ongoing decarbonization efforts in the United States require a combination of various energy technologies with a low carbon foot print, including nuclear energy. A summary of recent progress in nuclear materials chemistry involved in the synthesis and performance of advanced nuclear fuels, as well as their disposal to increase the safety and efficiency of the nuclear energy sector will be presented.

Bristol Myers Squibb Symposium in Synthetic Organic Chemistry

BMS Symposium: 2:00 - 3:40 PM

Reception: 3:40 - 4:00 PM

BMS Lecture: 4:00 - 5:00 PM


Griffin Barnes, Vanderwal group: "A Synthesis of Alstonlarsine A via Alstolucines B and F Demonstrates the Chemical Feasibility of a Proposed Biogenesis"

Xintong Hou, Dong group: "Creative routes to unnatural amino acids, chiral phosphines, and nitrogen-heterocycles"

Dr. Thomas La Cruz, Bristol Myers Squibb: "A Small Molecule Process Development Story"

The Kitaev material α-RuCl_3: Transient quantum magnetic state, unusual magnetic excitations, chiral phonons, and more

Prof. Paul van Loosdrecht's research interests include the fundamental properties of complex matter and the optical manipulation of molecular and complex systems using advanced linear and nonlinear spectroscopies. His current research is focused on non-equilibrium material physics and the influence of spin-orbit coupling, correlations, and topology on the physical properties of novel quantum materials. Prof. van Loosdrecht has held several academic leadership roles, including serving as Dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne.


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