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Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer

The Cary Eclipse Spectrophotometer uses a Xenon flash lamp for superior sensitivity, high signal-to-noise, and fast kinetics. It measures the emission of light from samples in four modes. Using Xenon lamp technology, it captures a data point every 12.5 ms and scans at 24,000 nm/min without peak shifts. The Cary Eclipse is the only spectrophotometer with room light immunity. Variable controlled temperature from 0 C to 90 C. Multispeed steering.

Useful reading:

Quantum yield determination pdf

Excitation and emission spetroscopy fundamentals (by B. Herman, J.R. Lakowicz, D.B. Murphy, T.J.Fellers and M.W. Davidson for Olympus) pdf

Fluorescence spectroscopy (by Perkin Elmer) pdf


lab instructions

user guide

calibration spectrum