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Malvern Zetasizer uV

The Zetasizer µV is a highly sensitive dual function light scattering detector. It can be used as a RALS detector with any GPC/SEC system, including Viscotek, to give absolute size (by DLS) and absolute molecular weight (by SLS). Alternatively, in cuvette mode, it is suitable for the detection of aggregates and for monitoring aggregate formation using DLS. 

  • Sensitivity – 0.1mg/mL 15kDa protein (Lysozyme).
  • 2µL sample required in cuvette mode to preserve sample.
  • 8µL flow cell for chromatography mode ensures minimal band broadening to preserve the resolution of the separation.

Useful reading:

Dynamic Light Scattering concept (by Malvern) pdf

Dynamic Light Scattering terminology (by Malvern) pdf

Dynamic Light Scattering principles (by Malvern) pdf

Dynamic Light Scattering tips and tricks (by Malvern) pdf

Dynamic light scattering in 30 minutes (by Malvern) pdf

Dynamic Light Scattering overview (by Malvern) webinar

Size and Zetasizer Nano (by Malvern) video guide

Dynamic Light Scattering screen demo (by Malvern) webinar

Dynamic Light Scattering: A quick guide to perfection (by Malvern) blog

Diffusion barrier technique (by Malvern) pdf


user guide