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Gargantua - ultafast high energy femtosecond beamline

Multimodal laser system conisit of both high repetition rate oscillator (MaiTai HP, 3 W, <80 fs) and low repetition rate amplifier (Spitfire Ace, 1kHz, 100 fs, >7W). These repetition rate permit both a wide variety of ultrafast spectroscopy experiments in the UV/Vis/NIR/MIR range and THz pulses.

The fundamental beam is split into four parts. Two of the resulting beams are used to pump two optical parametric amplifiers (OPA, Lightconversion TOPAS Prime™) for generating broadband optical pulses, tunable over the extended range from 280 to 2700 nm. In combination with difference frequency mixing, the accessible range is extended up to 20 μm (>10 μJ @ 15 μm).

Four high energy pulses are available: 2 pump beams fixed at 800 nm and 2 converted beams that are independently tunable over the 280 to 2700 nm range and one up to 20 μm. The temporal pulse width after each OPA is controlled by a prism compressor to compensate for setups dispersion.

Among experimental suits are UV-Vis-NIR pump-probe, THz time-domain spectroscopy, time-resolved fluorescence.

Per Laboratory policy, all advanced nonlinear optical experiments in Microscopy and Ultrafast Labs are conducted together with LSL researchers and its Director, in conventional scientific collaboration spirit.