Outline of Evans Group Research
Discover unique chemistry with the lanthanides, actinides, yttrium, and bismuth that expands our chemical understanding and contributes to solving important practical problems with particular emphasis on energy and the environment
Focus Areas
- New Types of Redox Chemistry (Sterically Induced Reduction; LnZ3/K; Ln2N2)
- Catalysis Related to the Hydrogen Economy and Solar Water Splitting
- Lanthanide/Actinide Chemistry Related to Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems
- Small molecule Activation (N2, CO, CO2, NO, CH4)/ Cascade Reactions
Research Approaches
Synthetic, mechanistic, structural, macromolecular, theoretical (DFT collaboration), photochemical (upconversion), non-ambient
Experimental Approaches
- Air sensitive methods: glove box, vacuum line, Schlenk double manifold
- Metal vapor chemistry, high temperature chemistry
- Mechanochemistry, sonochemistry, photochemistry, microwave methods
- 89Y NMR (solid state and in solution), 15N NMR
- Electrochemistry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
- Field desorption, electrospray and atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry i.e. FDMS, ESMS, APCI-MS
- Thermal field flow fractionation (TFFF)
Practical Problems Addressed
- Multi-electron redox processes needed for solar water splitting
- Nuclear fuel synthesis; nuclear waste remediation
- Catalysis for the hydrogen economy
- New materials for electronics, optics, lighting, magnets, catalytic converters
- New routes to new polymers including biodegradable and metal-containing
- New routes to dinitrogen activation
- Practical development of C-H and C-C activation
- Carbonium ion chemistry; new reductants for organic syntheses
Common Denominator
Expertise in the inorganic and organometallic chemistry of heavy metals, lanthanides, actinides, yttrium, and bismuth