Samuel Moehring
Univ. of California, Berkeley 2012 BS Chemistry
Chemist I at PYRAMID Laboratories, Inc., Costa Mesa, CA 2012-2015
Moehring, S. A., Beltrán-Leiva, M. J., Páez-Hernández, D., Arratia-Pérez, R., Ziller, J. W., Evans, W. J.
“Rare-Earth Metal (II) Aryloxides: Structure,
Synthesis, and EPR Spectroscopy of
accepted to Chemistry, A European Journal, in
press DOI:
Moehring, S. A.,
Beltrán-Leiva, M. J., Páez-Hernández, D.,
Arratia-Pérez, R., Ziller, J. W., Evans, W. J.
“Exploring Aryloxide Ligands in the Synthesis of
Complexes of New +2 Ions of the Rare-Earth
Metals.” 256th ACS National Meeting &
Exposition, Boston, MA, United States, August
19-23, 2018. |