PhD defenses.
An Evolution of Synthetic Strategies towards Wickerols A and B
Innovative Approaches to NMR Instrumentation Design to Support Characterization of Complex Biomolecular Assemblies
Catalytic Control of Cytochrome P450
Developing More Accurate Methods of Warm Dense Matter Simulation via Finite-Temperature Density Functional Theory
Bioluminescence imaging tools for visualizing cellular processes
Mechanisms of Organozinc Reagent Formation Determined Through a Combined Single-Particle-Fluorescence-Microscopy and NMR-Spectroscopy Approach
Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Protein-Metal-Organic Frameworks
Investigating Unusual Reduction Methods for the Generation of Low Oxidation State Rare-Earth Organometallic Complexes
Bioorthogonal cyclopropenones and phosphines for biomolecule investigation